
Countdown 2000

The London Independent Photography (LIP) Millennium Project was conceived as a photographic profile of the last year of the twentieth century, with an image from each day throughout 1999 reflecting the passage of time and the diversity of photographic ways of seeing.

The project offered participants a unique and exciting opportunity to contribute to a major collection of photographic images exploring London's zeitgeist from a wide range of personal perspectives and it creates historical reference points for the future.

The images reflect culturally significant dates, places and events in London and also the any-day, every-day way of life of the metropolis. Through the wide variety of approaches to photography within LIP, the complete body of work demonstrates a range of contemporary approaches to photographic interpretation in this threshold year. We believe that this project will be seen as an important contribution to the Millennium celebrations and as a valuable archive source in years to come.

Each day in the year 2000 a fresh image taken on the same day the previous year will be published on this web site. There will be a major exhibition of the images from the project in Central London in the second half of the year (partly funded by a Millenium Festival Awards For All grant.) We hope to publish an illustrated catalogue for this exhibition and also intend to publish all of the images submitted for the project - including those not selected - on CD-ROM, probably early in 2001.

Further details

Each of the roughly 40 photographers was allocated roughly 20 days on which to photograph, so that for every day at least 2 photographers were involved. Participants were also encouraged to submit suitable work for any other days to ensure that the best work was available.

For the purposes of the project, London was defined geographically as the area within the M25 motorway.


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Original Countdown site web design - Samuel Marshall
Thanks to Peter Marshall for organising the original web site hosting.

London Independent Photography millenium project     Photographers