Belonging (Part One) Workshop with Paul Hill

DATE: Saturday 17 November 2018
TIME: Workshop 10:00am - 5:00pm

VENUE: Regent's University London
Inner Circle, Regent's Park, London NW1 4NS (Map)

Cost: £75 (members) £85 (non members)
(Cost will include 2nd workshop on Saturday 19 January)
Advance online booking only. 15 places

Belonging can be a poetic as well as a politically charged term. It currently has heightened meaning as the UK considers the implications of nationality - and who we are - as we move closer to Brexit and probably irrevocably cut our ties with the EU. But the personal can be political, and vice versa. Who, or what do we belong to? And does it matter?

For Part One on Saturday 17 November 2018 Paul will demonstrate through his own work, and that of others, a variety of visual approaches to the topic. Participants should bring in ideas and/or images (jpgs or prints) that explore the initial approaches they are taking to Belonging. Hopefully, the workshop will help with how these early ideas can be developed.

For Part Two on Saturday 19 January 2019 participants will bring their final ‘shortlisted’ images (as jpgs or prints) for review and critique that could determine the submissions to the Spring 2019 issue of fLIP that has Belonging as its theme.

Booking closed