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Chair’s Update on February 10 Committee Meeting


    We had a good turn-out again for our committee meeting Feb 10, three people were unable to attend due to work or illness.

    Space was kindly donated by John Stead, thanks John.

    The meeting had a very full agenda (we now also have one main point of business for each time we meet) starting with a discussion about our upcoming 21st Anniversary Celebration April 6th. All design work was reviewed, discussed and signed off as were ideas to make the night fun and interesting.

    I reported on my progress in visiting all our satellite groups (I still have two left to visit). This has been a very rewarding activity, lots learned. We also had a very construction meeting in January with the Photographers’ Gallery looking at cross-promotion and how we can work better together in the future. In addition I have made a start in reviewing the committee structure, functions and planning process, part of this is to build strong teams for all of our main activities. On the back of this we are now looking for a person to fill the role of PR & Publicity, an exciting role and I hope we can find a member willing and able to take this on.

    Magazine: Anita, our Designer, gave us a update on the progress she has made on the magazines new structure and we went through first draft ‘flow storyboards’ with a full breakdown of proposed content. A lot of work is going into making the magazine even better and you should progressively see changes feeding through. Our Distribution Manager Tim went over the work that he and and other members have done to increase the number of outlets and the work he’s been doing in making the financial side more robust. I hope we can bring you more news on this very soon.

    Exhibitions: John updated us on the progress that his team had made, one selector is already on board for this year’s Annual Exhibition, and another very close. They also have a meeting organised with Cottons Atrium management to discuss different ideas for improving the exhibition. Everything is on target and going well.

    Website: Tiffany let us know that implementing online payments via PayPal is getting closer to reality which should make most things a lot easier.

    I hope this has given you some insight into the work going on. Any feedback would be most welcome – if you have viewpoints or suggestions on these topics or something new please feel free to email me at:
    Adrian Capps