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Our book meetings are always very popular and this month was no exception. A wide variety of books was passed around and closely examined – ranging from an anthology of women photographers and another of Indian photographers; Tommaso Tanini’s beautifully produced book of photographs and text about East Germany – He Said He Loved Us; Paul Graham’s The Whiteness of the Whale bringing together three of his American series in one volume; Pentti Sammallahti’s collection of striking black and white photographs Here Far Away; Riuji Miyamoto’s book about the destruction and reconstruction of cities; and many more. The evening was a great opportunity to gain some inspiration from books which might normally pass under the radar. Here is a selection of photos from the night…






Our next meeting will take place on Wednesday 20th January 2016 at 18.45 at the usual venue – The Art Workers Guild, 6 Queens Square, Bloomsbury, London WC1N 3AT.
The theme will be Review of Last Year/Plans for This Year – a good opportunity to look back over past successes and share plans for the future.
Advance notice for February: Black and White/Monochrome