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A fine turn-out & excellent work.

Sarah Hickson
Sarah Hickson has presented work at the Greenwich Gallery for some years now. Landscape has featured frequently and the depth of these pieces has been pronounced but I believe that her recording of ‘performance’ is what stays in the memory: the ‘performance’ of the photographer matches the ‘performance’ of the site preparation prior to the ‘performance’ of the performers. Sarah is a recorder of multiple performances; the images aren’t random. They’re informed by her personal photographic biography. It looks seamless; that’s its quality.

Jennifer Roberts
Michael Rodgers & I presented a workshop at Goldsmiths last Summer entitled Re-Imaging: a sensory approach to photography. What it encouraged was a way, not only of exploring a space, but of exploring fresh modes of recording a photographic experience. Jennifer Roberts was part of the workshop and I’d like to think that it influenced her current processes of ‘making’. I’ve banged on about alternative modes of printing, archiving, re-purposing, deconstructing-destroying images as a way of allowing multiple interpretations of spaces to emerge. Look out for Jennifer’s work & reflect upon it.

Lisa Chillingworth
Lisa Chillingworth 2
Lisa took a trip. This was to the main border crossing between France & Spain. It was her first visit to this spot. She started with the sex industry. It’s flourishing there. It’s also at the point at which Walter Benjamin [a sex industry himself] attempted to cross into Spain to avoid the Nazi roundups. His aim was Portugal & thence to the USA. He never made it & took the suicide route instead. Replicating his climb & return is a thought worth pursuing. The multiplicity of images that Lisa returned with prompted thoughts of editing issues & this is something we’ll explore in further Green LIP meetings. There are multiple ways of editing the work derived from the dérive.

Tony Othen

B10 - neg 39 for LIP
Tony had an article published in Photography & Culture entitled Archive Photographs and History—Do they Support History or do They Create It? Many of you will be familiar with Tony’s archive of his early work as a professional photographer & Tony had given great thought over the last few years about how this archive might be re-purposed. Some of his dilemmas were expounded upon at the Goldsmiths Urban Photo Fest seminar in 2014. Gradually, possibilities turned into purposes & the archive has found a living practice. His reflections are worth the read [Archive Photographs and History]

John Levett