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Our first meeting of the year had as its theme Horizon – an apt metaphor for looking ahead! There was naturally a preponderance of landscapes and seascapes, although some people interpreted it less literally. The horizon can be urban or rural, immense, empty, broken up with buildings or trees, hidden by mist, flat or mountainous – the variety seems infinite. Here are a few examples of the evening’s viewing:

Peter Nahum

Anna Lerner

Peter Luck

Hady Bayoumi

Ingrid Newton

Dorota Boisot

Jim Paterson

Meirion Harries

Sue Czapska

Our next meeting will take place on Wednesday 22nd February at 18.45 at the usual venue – The Art Workers Guild, 6 Queens Square, Bloomsbury, London WC1N 3AT. The theme will be Chiaroscuro – that technique developed by Renaissance artists for depicting dramatic light and shade. A theme made for photographers! Please bring along any work you wish to share on a memory stick or in print or book form.
Advance notice for March: Stasis/Movement