Terms & Conditions of Entry
1. The London Independent Photography Annual Exhibition is open to all members with a valid membership of London Independent Photography (LIP)
2. By submitting images to the London Independent Photography Annual Exhibition, each entrant confirms that:
a) It is their own original work
b) That they own the copyright of each image
c) If their work is accepted; they will grant LIP the right to display a copy as part of an online exhibition gallery (on the LIP website) and in the exhibition portfolio book - each photographer will be credited
3. Copyright of each image is retained by the respective photographer
4. It is the responsibility of the photographer to arrange insurance for their work if required. Whilst every effort will be taken to ensure the safekeeping of the work London Independent Photography cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage to work
5. You may submit a maximum of 6 prints, it is preferable that this constitutes one body of work (the same applies with any number of prints submitted). There is always the possibility that your submission may be split by the selectors, if you do not wish for this to happen please make this clear upon submission
6. Maximum print size including mount is:
a) 26 x 22 inches if submitting 3 to 6 images
b) 36 x 24 inches if submitting 2 or less images
7. For the initial selection process prints submitted must be mounted (NOT framed). Please do not submit any introduction or artistic statement
8. To encourage new work:
a) Submissions should not have been shown in a previous LIP exhibition
b) Your work must have been completed since the closing date of the 21st LIP Annual Exhibition
9. The selection must remain anonymous so please do not put any names on front of prints
10. All prints should be clearly labelled on the back with your name, address, telephone number, email, title or reference number and topside marked (if necessary)
11. All wrappings (portfolio cases or similar) should be very clearly labelled with your name. Entries submitted in plastic bags or without any packaging will be rejected
Delivery & Collection
12. All entry forms must be received in advance, either online or by post, by 2nd September 2010. Entry forms will NOT be accepted on the day you deliver your prints
13. No late entries will be accepted. If you (or a friend) are unable to deliver on the stated delivery and collection dates you should try to arrange early delivery - your local satellite group may also be able to assist
14. Payment for entry to the exhibition is made when you deliver your prints and can be made using cash or a cheque
15. Payment for prints accepted will be made when you collect your prints after the selection day
16. Entrance Fee (per photographer, this fee covers up to 6 prints submitted): £8
17. Print Hanging Fee (per photograph accepted to be hung): £10
18. Our team of selectors will choose from all the prints entered on 8th September.
An announcement will be posted on the website 9th September listing members whose work has been selected (including the number of prints).
19-30 October, 2010
19th October Members Private View