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Jonny Baker

    Jonny Baker is a member of the Ealing LIP satellite group. He has learned about photography largely through friendships, discussion and looking at photos. For… Read More »Jonny Baker

    Jess Davis

      For me, photography is finding a new way to look at something, seeing it in a new light, seeking a new angle of something that… Read More »Jess Davis

      Yoke Matze

        Yoke works as a photographer, lecturer and exhibition organiser. Born in the Netherlands, she settled in London in 1982 and obtained a BA in Photography… Read More »Yoke Matze

        Eve Milner

          Eve Milner’s personal work explores identity, belonging, gender and ageing through local social documentary projects Instagram: @evemilnerphotography

          John Blom

            Amateur photographer for about 5 years. My image is from a series I have been working on  called Urban Extractions. My background is Fine Arts… Read More »John Blom

            Lyndon Baker

              Having fully retired I am now able to completely immerse myself in my passion for photography. Though a recent bout of ill-health has kept me… Read More »Lyndon Baker

              Max Harlie

                I’m what is left of a journalist. I’ve spent my life describing events, things and people in words. What I like most about photography is… Read More »Max Harlie

                Anthony Tyley

                  Formerly BBC Studio Camera Operator, Film Editor, Studio and Film Director. Moved to Cambridge 1989. 3 years at City & Guilds Art School, Fine Art… Read More »Anthony Tyley

                  Brian Martin

                    I’m a stock photographer (urban signage, flags, etc.) but for fun I enjoy shooting motorsport, eventing, birds, and… well, anything that catches my eye. I… Read More »Brian Martin

                    Gareth Davies

                      Gareth specialises in panoramic imaging, an interest first started in 1995 using a Russian swing-lens camera and then extended this by building a rotating 360°… Read More »Gareth Davies