Published July 2011 – Download this issue (7MB PDF)
04. Editor’s Note
05. Letter from the Zone by Chris Dorley-Brown
06. My Way: Entering Motherhood by Fran Monks
08. My Way: Human-Nature by Peter Coles
11. Feature: Thresholds by Krystina Stimakovits
14. Feature: Made in Germany by Christiane Zschommler
18. Feature: The Reality of Fantasy by Cinnamon Heathcote-Drury
22. Feature: Roger Ballen Interview by Tiffany Jones
30. The Photograph that inspired me by Anna Fox
31. Theme: How we see FANTASY
54. Article: Through the Looking Glass by Nick Scammell
56. Exposure: Beatiful Bodies? by Peter Jennings
57. Exposure: Showtime, 23rd Annual Exhibition approaching by John Stead
58. Workshops & Talks; Exhibitions; Thomas Struth at Whitechapel Gallery by Frank Orthbandt
60. Exhibitions: Selected Highlights
60. Review: Paul Hill: Corridor of Uncertainty by Carol Hudson
61. Members’ Exhibitions
62. Members’ Book Reviews by Frank Orthbandt: How to Make a Difference, Fran Monks
63. Inside Edinburgh, Steven Richmond photographer
An Ode for Sri Lanka, Sabes Sugunasabesan
64. Photobook Recommendations by Laura Noble
66. Turning Point: The Players, 2009 by Polixeni Papapetrou
Anne Clements, Anita Strasser, Anne Crabbe, Brian David Stevens, Carol Hudson, Chris Dorley-Brown, Chris Hudson, Chris Ennis, Christian Zschommler, Cinnamon Heathcote-Drury, Clare Park, Ewa Lachowicz, Fran Monks, Frank Orthbandt, Gordana Johnson, Graeme Webb, Howard Goldberg, Jason Yeomans, Jo Stapleton, Krystina Stimakovits, Laura Noble, Len Salem, Lynne Collins, Nicholas Cobb, Nick Scammell, Oliver Schneider, Peter Coles, Peter Jennings, Polixeni Papapetrou, Richard Baker, Sandra Ciampone, Tom Gifford
Editor Tiffany Jones
Associate Editors Jeanine Billington, Virginia Khuri
Design & Layout Martin Nicholls
Distribution Tim Crowe