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fLIP20: Home

Published November 2011 – Download this issue (7MB PDF)

04. Editor’s Note
04. My Seaside Bucket by Len Salem
06. My Way: Being there by Duncan Salisbury-Gaumont
08. My Way: 160yen by Fabrizio Quagliuso
10. Feature: New Family by Beth Crosland
14. Feature: At Home with Morris by Katherine Green
18. Feature: Nuclear by Eti Wade, text by Madeleine Oakley
24. Feature: Tulip by Celine Marchbank
30. The Photograph that inspired me by Peter Jennings
31. Theme: How we see HOME
54. Article: My Largest and Smallest Homes by Stephen Kosloff
55. Article: Lyndal Walker: ‘La Toilette d’une Femme’ by Laura Noble
56. Exposure: Little Beauties by Lidia Kowalewicz
57. Exposure: C’est Refuses? Portrait Salon ; Course Grind Michael McGuinness MA followed by BBC
58. Exhibitions: 23rd Annual Roundup by John Stead
59. Exhibitions: Gracenote and counterpoint: Notes on curating 23rd Annual by Mark Denton
60. Satellite Groups: Crossing Lines, new group in conjunction with CUCR Goldsmiths
60. Exhibition Highlights
61. Members’ Exhibitions
62. Members’ Book Reviews by Frank Orthbandt:
Three Wheels, Stefanie Reichelt; Saga, Chris Hudson
63. Unfrocked, Monty Trent
64. Book-related highlights; Photobook Recommendations by Laura Noble
66. Turning Point: Bron, Domino and Jake, 2007 by Leonie Hampton
Back cover image: Chris Dorley-Brown


Adrian Capps, Anita Strasser, Beth Crosland, Caroline Fraser ARPS, Celine Marchbank, Chloe Edwards, Chris Dorley-Brown, Chris Moxey, Duncan Salisbury-Gaumont, Eti Wade, Eva Turrell, Fabrizio Quagliuso, Frank Orthbandt, Gary Alexander, Gianleo Frisari, John Stead, Jorge Luis Dieguez, Katherine Green, Laura Noble, Léonie Hampton, Len Salem, Lidia Kowalewicz, Madeleine Oakley, Mandy Williams, Margaret Mann, Margaret Nowak, Mark Burton, Mark Denton, Michael Rodgers, Mitch Karunaratne, Nick Scammell, Peter Jennings, Raphael Schutzer-Weissmann, Richard Conolly, Sabes Sugunasabesan, Stephen Kosloff, Timothy Belcher, Tom Storr, Tony Hale

Editor Tiffany Jones
Associate Editors Jeanine Billington, Virginia Khuri
Distribution Tim Crowe