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Magazine Submission Guidelines

We encourage members’ submission of photographic series and outstanding single images.
Submissions – You may submit a maximum of 10 images for eash issue of fLIP. These may be individual images that show your individual expression on the pre-selected Theme and/or a Series of personal work, which may still be in progress but is tightly edited and clearly demonstrates your project idea. If you have a mix of both, e.g. a series of 6 plus 4 unrelated Theme images, please make separate submissions and identify Theme or Series in the relevant box in each submission.
Text – For Series submissions we need a brief explanatory text/personal statement of up to 250 words. Text and/or captions for individual image Theme submissions is optional.
The lifeblood of fLIP is your submissions for each issue, whether for the theme or as a series. All submissions are viewed ‘blind’ by the editorial team, usually with a guest selector. An initial selection is made purely from the strength and relevance of the images, without knowing the identity of the photographer or any supporting text. Following that we ask for hi-res files of potential images for publication. Inevitably, as the magazine is put together, a small proportion of those images don’t quite ‘fit’ together with others and sadly do not appear in the final publication. Selection for final publication is weighted towards submissions by members of London Independent Photography.
Articles and Reviews – We welcome member’s explorative pieces on any contemporary photographic topic, including reviews of books and exhibitions, particularly by members. Please email us a brief outline of your idea or proposal.
Copyright – You must ensure that you have the copyright of all material you submit for publication in fLIP. We will assume that you have given consent for publication of any material submitted.

If you have any queries about this procedure or about image preparation, please contact us.

Ready to submit?

Check that you have the following ready:– Up to 10 .jpg images to upload – 2000px longest side maximum file size 2MB – No watermarks or logos on images- Files named in the following format: firstname_lastname_01.jpg, firstname_lastname02.jpg, etc

– Have any accompanying text ready