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City&Shoreditch Group 2
Posted by:
Date: March 27, 2008 03:39PM
So we don't clash with the magazine launch i will suggest Monday 14th April for the next meeting
The Water Poet
9-11 Folgate Street
London E1 6BX
See you all there
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/11/2008 01:07PM by JohnStead.
Re: City&Shoreditch Group 2
Posted by:
tina rowe
Date: April 22, 2008 07:05PM
When will the next meeting be? I have managed to miss all of the announcments for the last lot.
Re: City&Shoreditch Group 2
Posted by:
acapps LIP
Date: April 29, 2008 03:45PM
Hi Tina I think the next meeting will be held on the 2nd June which is a Monday, John will confirm nearer the time also with what we have planned for that evening.
Next Meeting - 2nd June
Posted by:
Date: April 30, 2008 05:37PM
Next meeting will be an exciting one!
We are going to try to organise a review of street photography so bring along anything you would like to share. More details here soon.
2nd June
The Water Poet
9-11 Folgate Street
London E1 6BX
July 2008 Meeting
Posted by:
Date: July 15, 2008 04:40PM
Next meeting will be 28th July
The Water Poet
9-11 Folgate Street
London E1 6BX
We will also have a special guest speaker Jonathan Goldberg (
But as usual please also bring along whatever you are working on, i fully intend making everyone jealous with various Maldives photos!
Cheers John
8th September Meeting
Posted by:
Date: August 13, 2008 02:33AM
Next meeting is 8th September
The Water Poet
9-11 Folgate Street
London E1 6BX
Tel: 07971460788
Re: City&Shoreditch Group 2
Posted by:
Date: October 30, 2008 04:44PM
Hello all,
Next Shoreditch group meeting will be on Monday 10th November, usual time, usual place.
See you there,
Re: City&Shoreditch Group 2
Posted by:
Date: November 14, 2008 04:43PM
Dear all,
The Shoreditch massive, sorry, satellite group, would like to extend an invitation to all LIP members to join us on Sunday 30th November for a celebration of the upcoming multicultural, multinational, multiracial, multisexual multi-un-insulting winter festival, in short Christmas Crawl.
There will be no funny hats, crackers or presents, instead we are planning to spend a leisurely afternoon drinking, shooting and wandering the streets of East London. See, sounds fun already?!
Our plan is to start our Christmas Crawl at the Water Poet pub at midday for a refreshing beverage. We all will write a theme, or an idea for a mini project, on a piece of paper. These we will place in a hat, give it a shake and pull out one theme. We will then spend the next half an hour photographing the chosen theme while we proceed to the next pub. There we'll compare experiences, have another drink, get the next theme out of the hat and off to the next pub we go.
The intention is to keep repeating this until about 6pm, or until it starts raining sideways, everyone gets too drunk to walk or we lose the hat.
At some point we'll break for lunch. Also as a note to the faint-hearted, this is in no way meant to encourage binge drinking, non-alcoholic options are available.
The resulting genius works of fine art, or a big pile of blur, will be shared at our next meeting on 8th December and hopefully put in a Flickr group for all to see.
Check the forum in the week before for more details and email me if you're coming please!
Yay it'll be fun!
Susanna (on behalf of the Shoreditch group)
PS. I'll bring the hat.
Re: City&Shoreditch Group 2
Posted by:
Date: November 21, 2008 04:55PM
The next meeting will be on 8th Dec 6.30pm at the Water Poet.
We'll be doing a print swap. Please bring a print you are proud of and would like to see on someone else's wall. The idea is that Nigel, who came up with the idea, will pick the first print, then the maker of that will pick the one they want and so on. This way all of us will be guaranteed at least one christmas present in these tight times!
We'll also be sharing the results of our Christmas Crawl so bring those prints, or your laptop, too.
There might also be a guest speaker if we're very lucky...
See you there!
Re: City&Shoreditch Group 2
Posted by:
acapps LIP
Date: November 23, 2008 09:40PM
Looking forward to it, so much on offer how will we fit it all in.
Re: City&Shoreditch Group 2
Posted by:
Date: November 25, 2008 03:53AM
Righty-ho ho ho then,
A plan has been made for our Christmas Crawl!
We have 5 pubs and we'll be allocating about an hour and a half between departing pubs. Everyone can divide this time between shooting and drinking according to their personal preferences. (I will be trying 45/45 to start with but the scales are bound to tip in favour of refreshments)
That time should allow everyone to grab food whenever they want rather than all of us having a lunch break at the same time. We'll be shooting 2 themes on every venture, just to add a little challenge.
We'll meet at 12 (or noon, or midday) in the Water Poet, 9-11 Folgate Street E1 6BX, and departing from there as soon as everyone's got there, had a quick beer, the whip has been cracked and the first themes have been drawn.
Next place is the Pride of Spitalfields, 3 Heneage Street E1 5LJ and we'll be there until 1.30.
Then we'll be off to the Bird Cage, 80 Columbia Road E2 7QB, which we'll be departing at 3.
Next is the Foundry, 84-86 Great Eastern Street EC2A 3JL, sampling their liquid delicacies until 4.30. They should have a photo exhibition on,too.
The last haunt on the list is the Zigfrid, 11 Hoxton Square N1 6NV.
From then on, additional trouble and carnage will surely be available for those still standing.
So bring your own A-Z and a couple of shooting ideas (we'll provide paper and a pen). Oh, bring a camera, too.
Most importantly, please don't forget to arm yourself with a hefty dose of general silliness as this is very strongly encouraged! If you feel like wearing a ridiculous hat, pixie ears or a pink tutu, do so.
Hopefully see lots of you on Sunday at midday!!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/26/2008 10:47PM by SusannaSuovalkama.
Re: City&Shoreditch Group 2
Posted by:
Date: January 13, 2009 04:17AM
Hello all,
Our next meeting will be on Wed 11th Feb at the Water Poet, 9-11 Folgate Street, E1 6BX starting at 6.30. I will book a space in the back area.
It's about time we expanded our horizons and shared our dirty little secrets... So let's have a good old Mash-up and get it all out in the open!
First of all, let's talk about Photographers We Like. Please bring a book or some images of the work of your favourite photographer (or 2, or 3). Someone who you feel inspired or influenced by, or maybe their work got you into photography? Have a think what it is about their work that moves and shakes you and gets your creative juices flowing.
Or maybe you just have a favourite photo? Bring it and we'll discuss.
Unanswered questions puzzling your mind? Let's pick each others brains. For example, if you want advice on a particular technique, bring a picture and we'll work it out. Anything goes. No question too small or too embarrassing. (Maybe excluding the camera club type)
Last but by no means least; bring your own images. Would be interesting to see if there is a connection between your work and your fave's!
Looking forward to seeing all the old and new faces!
Re: City&Shoreditch Group 2
Posted by:
Date: February 21, 2009 03:42AM
Hello all,
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 17th March at the Water Poet from 6.30 onwards.
This will be yet another exciting evening: we have an interesting quest speaker! Mark Denton will be sharing his work and giving us insight to the inspiration behind his many photographic projects.
We will also start thinking about the Shoreditch group exhibition which we must get under development soon.
There will be plenty of time for the usual discussion (and further picking of Mark's brain), beers and catching up. Please bring your work to show and share, especially now that we have an exhibition in mind.
Also I think it will soon be time for another Crawl as the sun is now showing some hints of actually existing and I can almost smell spring in the air. We shall discuss...
I will book a space in the outside area, this time I'll try to get the tables under the large umbrellas.
Hope to see you there,
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/23/2009 01:53AM by SusannaSuovalkama.
Re: City&Shoreditch Group 2
Posted by:
Date: April 08, 2009 06:49PM
Hello people,
We have something new and different coming up for our May meeting:
The nice people at Theprintspace, which is a digital DIY printing studio in Shoreditch, have offered to give us a guided tour of their facilities and a talk about digital printing, different print types, colour management and all that goes with it.
They also have a gallery.
The venue is at 74 Kingsland Road, E2 8DL and the time Wed 6th May, 6.30pm for 7pm.
The tour will start at 7pm exactly, please don't be late!
Afterwards (around 8pm) we'll most likely pile into the nearest pub.
The tour and talk are free but spaces are limited so PLEASE RSVP to
See you there,
Re: City&Shoreditch Group 2
Posted by:
Date: April 08, 2009 07:11PM
Hello everyone,
Welcome to our Spring Crawl on Sat 9th May in East London!!!
To borrow our treasurer's words, this is a pub crawl thinly disguised as a photographic event! All of LIP are invited to join us for a full day of shooting and drinking. The idea is to meet for a drink, put photographic themes in a hat, draw some out, go shoot, meet in a different pub, discuss, repeat until... who knows? The results will be posted on our Flickr group.
Put the date in the diary now, further details will be available once we come up with them!
Fun fun fun
Re: City&Shoreditch Group 2
Posted by:
Date: April 28, 2009 02:11AM
Hello hello all LIP members,
It is that time again! The sun is out, the beer is cold and the shutter finger smells of moth balls having been stored away over the winter months. The poor thing needs a good outing so bring it out and join us for a full day of hedonistic indulgence in odd photography and liquid refreshments............
It's time for SPRING CRAWL!!! The big day is Saturday 9th May.
Here's the idea: We meet and greet in a pub, have a beverage, write shooting ideas/themes/mini projects on bits of paper which are placed in a hat. A couple of those are then drawn and we go and shoot the said themes on the way to the next pub. This is then repeated several times until.... well, we'll see what the day brings! (Possibly falling over) The resulting masterpieces are posted to our flickr group and hopefully shared at an upcoming meeting, too.
This will be quite a long walk and we'll be seeing some of the prettiest and grittiest parts of east London. We'll be ambling past, or through, for example the Hackney City Farm, Broadway Market and Regent's Canal and the old Krays bros' stomping ground! So plenty of photo opportunities along the way. There will also be lots of opportunities to have food.
So the plan is to ARRIVE at
1PM The Florist -255, Globe Rd, London, E2 0JD
3PM The Nelson's Head -32, Horatio St, London, E2 7SB
5PM The Cat and Mutton - 76, Broadway Market, London, E8 4QJ
6.30PM The Palm Tree - Haverfield Road, Bow, London, E3 5BH
from 8PM The George Tavern -373 Commercial Road, London, E1 0LA
The last stretch is rather long but the George is worth the hike. Or the bus ride. It's bonkers.
If you can't get to the first pub you can join us along the way. So, arm yourself with a camera, A-Z (we'll have prints of the route but it's best to have your own map too), a couple of shooting ideas, sensible shoes and a less sensible mindset. General silliness is very highly encouraged. We'll provide the hat, pens and paper.
Fingers crossed for sunshine!!! See you at the Florist!
on behalf of the Shoreditch Massive
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/30/2009 01:07AM by SusannaSuovalkama.
Re: City&Shoreditch Group 2
Posted by:
Date: May 13, 2009 03:58PM
Hello all,
Our next meeting will be on Thu 4th June at Theprintspace, 74 Kingsland Road E2 8DL
6.30pm-8.30pm where we have a very exciting guest speaker.
Street photographer David Gibson is coming along to give a talk and share his work with us.
David was born in Ilford, Essex in 1957. He worked for several years as a Residential Social Worker before pursuing photography full-time in 1994. In 2002 he completed an MA in Photography: History and Culture at the London College of Printing.
David is often commissioned by design agencies in London and his photographs are held in several prominent stock libraries and private collections. He is a member of In-Public, the on-line home of street photography.
David says:
“I probably spend more time looking at photographs than I do actually taking them. My shelves at home are lined with photography books. The work of the so-called master photographers – and the less heralded – have always been a source of reassurance and stimulation for my own photography.
“Photographers such as Elliott Erwitt, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Mario Giacomelli, Robert Frank, Sylvia Plachy and Tony Ray-Jones, to name but a few. The list is endless and always open to change."
“Street photography for me is an instinctive urge. After more than 15 years of wandering with my camera, it still remains about staying curious and just looking for the luck.”
As David is not exclusively a street photographer but keeps going off to other, more abstract directions as well, we should be in for a treat of an evening!
The talk begins at 7pm, don't be late!
Spaces are limited so PLEASE RSVP to
Please note that seating at this event is limited. In order for us to allow more people to come some of us might have stand or sit on the floor.
Hope to see you there!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/13/2009 04:52PM by SusannaSuovalkama.
Re: City&Shoreditch Group 2
Posted by:
Date: August 11, 2009 04:10AM
Hello all!
Our first group exhibition went up yesterday, yay!
For those of you taking part, a big thank you for your work, we're really pleased with the quality of it all. And our team of helpers, we couldn't have done it without you.
And for those who aren't in this time, please come and have a look!
Our official opening party is this Thursday at (our new home) the Red Lion Free House, 41 Hoxton St, N1 6NH from 7pm. We have some wine and nibbles too.
This get-together will serve as a meeting for this month, the next proper monthly meeting will be in September.
Hope to see lots of you there on Thursday!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/11/2009 04:10AM by SusannaSuovalkama.
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