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14 years ago
X Rite Gretag Macbeth Colorchecker chart
Hi, Does anyone have one of these I could borrow or know where I could get one for less than £60? I only need to calibrate my monitor so would be very quick with it; it also seems a bit wasteful to fork out so much for a one off use! Thanks, Tom
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14 years ago
Re: Tipod head with vice grip?
Thanks Tiffany. Since posting this I've had a couple of break-throughs but still searching: Gorilla Grips look like they could do a job (not 100% sure they'd be secure enough though): And apparently "clamp" is the word I should have been searching on, but haven't come up with anything yet. I went to Calumet the other day and found it really weird they don't put a price o
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14 years ago
Tipod head with vice grip?
Hi, I've recently been reading a book about architectural photography that recommends getting a tripod head with a vice grip for attaching to bannisters etc... I don't currently have a tripod so am looking into getting a decent one but can't find any details of heads with vice grips. Can you point me in the direction of somewhere I can find something like this? Any help would be muc
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