The Long Dark arrived & so too did a fine & dandy projector courtesy of Tony Othen. Viewfinder’s current exhibition ‘Myths & Fairytales’ was still on view; Rupert Jessop, Hester Jones & Francesca Tilio the photographers.
A 24-hour snowstorm is the subject of the next exhibition opening 27th. November. The photographer, Astrid Schulz, will be with us for the December 16th. meetup.
Meanwhile, a few pics from last Wednesday.
Well they did warn us by Graeme Webb
Greenwich Park by Alan Phinbow
Lake Jetty by Chris Hudson
Greenwich Waterfront by Alex McIlhiney
Number Four Home Glades by John Levett
Promenade by Dave Mason
Facades by Tony Othen
Uses of Sellotape by Tony Othen