A multitude of ‘favourite’ photographs/photographers; some real live ones; LIP mag’s all-new editor giving out basic info on submitting work to LIP mag’s all-new mag.
Plus Elizabeth Gowing’s new poem Exposure. LIP members are invited to submit a photographic interpretation of …
Louise Forrester, curator of & our host at Viewfinder writes:
The Viewfinder is inviting members of London Independent Photography to participate in our first workshop exploring the relationship between photography & poetry.
Please take Elizabeth Gowing’s poem as inspiration for your own photographs—this can be as literal or lateral as you like.
Bring your own photograph/s to the February satellite group meeting (Wednesday 17 Feb 7-9pm) & see how others found this challenge.
Please also email them to louise@viewfinder.org so we can publish them online. We’ll create a dedicated page to publish a selection of the photographs taken.
Worth a shot!