by Justin Welch
by Ida Pap
by Andrew Wilson
by Leonard Caudrey
For June’s theme, please visit, where you will see that they are celebrating the 25 anniversary of a project conducted in the 80’s, where people were encouraged to take pictures of their local areas. If you wish to take part, choose any of the pictures taken in London (or elsewhere if the fancy takes you – no restrictions) and see about updating it 2011 style. This ought to be a lot of fun, especially if by accident two of us happen to cover the same place, as the different styles will shine through. We will review at July’s meeting.
The June meeting on the 13th is a combination of our normal monthly outing with our monthly meeting, out for the evening for some camera work together with an opportunity to try out some local Barnes hospitality.
The July meeting will be on Tuesday 26th July at 7PM, where one the items up for discussion will be a demonstration of mount cutting – so don’t miss it!
For full details about meetings email