Our last meeting of the year was open to everyone to show whatever they wanted, so we had a very wide cross-section of photographs on view. Here is a selection from the night.
Men and Women by Sue Czapska
From the Queens Park Portrait Project by Simon Butcher
Budapest Building by Maria Oldland
Jim Paterson
Janet Nabney
John Nabney
From the Wings Project by Ingrid Newton
Tsukiji Market Tuna Auction by Angelika Berndt
Edith Templeton
Barry Cole
Our next meeting will take place on Wednesday 8th January 2014 at 18.45 at the usual venue – The Artworkers Guild, 6 Queens Square, Bloomsbury, London WC1N 3AT. At the start of the New Year, it’s always a good time to look back on past achievements whilst looking forward to the future, so please either bring along a selection of your favourite images from the past year or ideas for developing future work – maximum of 10 images. Prints or digital images on a memory stick please. We would also like to give advance notice of the topic for our March meeting where we will be showcasing video. This should give you plenty of time to prepare work to show – either your own or a favourite piece of video by another artist which you would like to share. The work could either be moving image, or a sequence of still images accompanied by a soundtrack.