The November edition of The Crossing Lines Group was well-furnished with attendees.
The main thrust of the meeting was Liminal spaces; otherwise referred to as Edgelands, Darkness at the Edge of Town
We touched on matters such as ‘Does the urban space have a landscape?’ ‘Does the detour have a future?’ ‘Is my back-yard a landscape? If not, how far do I have to travel to find one?
In addition: ‘Is landscape (however defined) a transitional space?’ Is landscape a particular category of threshold?’
Issues of The Edge Project as part of The Bleeding London Project were touched upon as were the eternal verities of the Schrödinger’s cat-like question: where’s the edge of London
Mike Seaborne presented his excellent b&w series on the River Lea which was begun as a follow-up to the Loose Traverse Project of a few year’s back. Memories of Bow Gamelan were summoned (or have I got the wrong river?)
Nothing definitive emerged but we went away smiling, having made new friends.
Next meeting Wednesday December 2nd. in Stuart Hall Building, Room 3.05 at Goldsmiths College.
All LIP members generously welcomed
John Levett