Barry Cole presented on the urban trope of Selfies. In Barry’s words: Often dismissed as ephemeral exercises in narcissism, a consideration of the selfie can lead to an exploration of how sense might be made of photographs.
Barry introduced his talk thus: The idea for this piece came about from two sources: first there was the nagging concern I’d had about disparaging remarks made by both media commentators and serious photographers about selfies, selfie takers and the use made of selfies particularly on social media. The second source was John Levett’s enjoinder from the Re-Imaging workshop and follow ups earlier this year to forget photographing and to go into a space and experience the space. This brought forth a lot of discussion about not only how a space might be experienced but how the experience of that space might be communicated, especially through photographs.
Gareth Davies took us back into the ancient practice of Stitching, the early days of digital photography & the creation of panoramas. He also introduced the work of Michael Westmoreland. The question arose: does the panorama offer possibilities for mapping urban transformations. Some links from gareth to a lost world: [] []
John Levett introduced recent work from South Korea in the context of The Edge Project & a collaboration between Seoul & London based upon LIP’s The London Villages Project.
The organizer of the project is Ji-Won Kim who was a LIP member whilst studying in London and who contributed to the final exhibition and publication of The LVP.
John Levett