An interesting affair was the February meetup of The Crossing Lines Group. The Group have met at The Greenwich Gallery on a number of occasions for the realisation of specific projects but this is the first time that I can recall that we have used it as a regular venue. It was a fine turnout and good to see the continuing presence of members of The Edge Group.
The evening was opened by a new presenter who shall remain anonymous and whose work will not be shown here. Subsequent correspondence indicated that his search for a suitable photography group had not been satisfied by The Crossing Lines Group and he would prefer not to be identified in this report.
Claire Reddleman (freshly ennobled as Dr.) admitted to an obsession for the new buildings growing around her own patch of the east end. The daily snap can become obsessional if not psychotic.
Claire Reddleman
Claire hasn’t reached the Bates Motel stage yet; rather her images gradually emerge as a representation of the phenomenology of photography i.e. the study of consciousness and the objects of direct experience. As the weeks/months moved closer to year(s) a pronounced aesthetic began to emerge — the art object in situ.
Our final presenter, Rosanna Goodchild, has taken a number of years in her home city engaging with members of the homeless community and those in vulnerable accommodation.
Rosanna Goodchild
Ethical issues related to photographic practice in these circumstances were discussed as were the personal-practical matters of the nature of the relationships and how a confidence in confiding could develop. For personal, ethical and professional reasons the location will not be identified here.
In many respects it was an uplifting evening.
The Greenwich LIP Group will be meeting at The Greenwich Gallery on Wednesday 17th February at 8pm.
John Levett [Convenor: Crossing Lines Group]