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There was something of a misalliance between laptop and flat screen but we can overcome these things. (Prints, cluster round the laptop.)

Before the devices fell out, John Levett spoke of his discussions with Claire Reddleman on the nature of streets. Is the complex of Addenbrooks Hospital in Cambridge a disaggregated street? Would thinking about the urban benefit from bringing the rural into it? And so to the soil and what lies beneath it, the traces of the past. This led to a small selection of forest photos Claire had taken in France.


Claire Reddleman

Barry Cole tabled a selection of paired prints, each presented in both colour and B&W, and invited us to comment on which worked better. This led to a rich discussion ranging from our social history being pictured largely in B&W, to thoughts on the overload of information sometimes given by colour, and on to image vs text or image+text.


Barry Cole

Teresa Levitt showed a small selection of phone-photos taken recently in the Louvre and on the Avenue de Wagram, revisiting her fascination with reflections and pointing out some technical problems endemic to some recent phones.


Teresa Levitt

Lastly, Anne-Marie Glasheen broke with her usual overtly artistic concerns and documented the lifting of a tube carriage into the grounds of the school next door to her house, where it now functions as a library. There was some discussion of the value of a very contained break with one’s usual practices. We also noted that many of Anne-Marie’s images would happily stand alone, apart from their documentary context. So which aspect of them is the more to be valued?


Anne-Marie Glasheen

Report by Peter Luck