The theme announced for this session was ‘home’ and most of the ten people showing work kept to it. The exception, with which we started, was an investigation of a curious new building in Geneva with triangular cut-outs that disturbed one’s sense of form and manipulated light in unexpected ways, all well caught in the photos. On the theme, contributions fell into two camps, those concerned with the idea in a general way, and those staying within their own four walls.
Within the walls there were studies of light, reflection and shadow pattern (just how expressive a single fork can be) and of the textures, multiple layers of material, of script revealed when a house is given a total refurbishment. Outside, the generalists looked at social aspects, how a single extended family has stayed in the same houses in one close area of Birmingham for over sixty years; how the notion of home extends to the locality, with landscape studies of a local park (and early steps in b&w film photography); studies of places as seen by the returning emigré and by a world traveller; village and urban scenes from Ethiopia; and the ‘permanent home’ of a cemetery; and lastly how the idea of time and context can be contained in a single brilliantly coloured banner. Slightly fewer of us than usual but a very good evening.
Peter Luck
Steve Jones
Geoff Titley
Jim Paterson
Anna Lerner
Alec Wyllie
Barry Cole
Teresa Levitt
Our next meeting will take place on Wednesday 7th March at 18.45 at the usual venue – The Art Workers Guild, 6 Queens Square, Bloomsbury, London WC1N 3AT. The theme will be Margin. Please bring along any work you wish to share on a memory stick or in print or book form.