We began this month’s meeting with a little diversion – one of our oldest members in more ways than one, Leonard Caudrey, celebrates his 90th year this month (the day before our meeting) and I felt it appropriate to mark the occasion with some cake and a toast – well done Leonard and may you have many more. Leonard has been taking pictures for as long as he can remember and delights us every month by drawing on his vast catalogue from across the world to present pictures for our themes.
We then moved onto some pictures from across the web followed by this month’s theme – one of our members, Matt, challenged us all to come up with 5 of our very best pictures taken since we last met, with the view that sometimes it’s too easy to delve into our archives when submitting pictures for our themes. The gauntlet was presented and a pretty good response I must say – my pick would probably be Bergina’s and we were not alone in thinking this a great shot, the BBC thought so too including it in their street photo weekly round-up – well done Bergina! I was also not alone in thinking that James shot taken along the river was a bit special.
Well done everyone and it was agreed that for next month our theme would be ‘sport’. Our meeting next month will be on Tuesday 20th February. (Andrew Wilson)

Bergina Leka

James Kirkland