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Last month’s theme of Decay brought forward a veritable plethora of ruined shacks, peeling paint, rusting industrial relics and withered flowers of all hues! Decay as a process was a recurring theme – whether as various stages in the life of cut flowers, rotten fruit depicted in the rich hues of an old master painting, rusting equipment in a North Wales working quarry, the eerie ruins of Chernobyl where nature is reasserting itself, spiders’ webs taking over an Argentinia cemetery or the divided face – one half young, the other older. Beauty in decay was the overwhelming effect. Here are a few examples:

Peter Luck

Simon Butcher

Edith Templeton

Chris Burrows

Janet Nabney

Frankie McAllister

Barry Cole

Kathryn Alkins

Hugh Look

Ingrid Newton

Our next meeting will take place on Wednesday 9th May at 18.45 at the usual venue – The Art Workers Guild, 6 Queens Square, Bloomsbury, London WC1N 3AT. The theme will be Amnesia.

As well as our main theme, the second half of our meeting will cover hints and tips for exhibiting based on the experience of the members who took part in our recent exhibition. We’ll also look at what worked and what didn’t at the exhibition itself, and we’d welcome views from people who visited as well as people who took part.

That means the showing part will need to be brisker than usual, so if anyone does want to show something be aware that there may be less time than usual for each person so please aim for five images rather than the usual ten, and it will be first come, first served. Please bring along any work you wish to share on a memory stick or in print or book form.