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The theme for the February meeting was “seven deadly sins”. This was quite a stretch for us as we are all so clean living – but we gave it a try!
Janet, Steve and Adrian showed all seven sins. Janet focused on old telephone boxes – including inevitably for lust a phone box with calling cards inside. Apparently there are not many of these left… Steve showed a variety of images including some taken when he was a boy wandering around London and Austin also showed a range of pictures including one of two boys tucking into ice creams to represent greed. Frankie focused on gluttony and sloth with pictures taken on her phone of fastfood and some undone washing up. Hady focused on pride or rather the pride people took in the clothes and outfits they were wearing at a gathering on the South Bank. Teresa chose to represent greed in images of crowds surging into John Lewis on Oxford Street to do Christmas shopping – the images were clever reflections in the shiny metal roof. Jim and Edith both chose lust. Jim showed pictures of various erotic paintings in the Tate and Edith showed some chiaroscuro images of allegedly aphrodisiac fruit and vegetables.
Our topic for March is the altogether more wholesome one of “family”
Edith Templeton

Edith Templeton

Janet Nabney

Frankie McAllister

Teresa Levitt

Our next meeting will take place on Wednesday 13th March 2019 at 18.45 at the usual venue – The Art Workers Guild, 6 Queens Square, Bloomsbury, London WC1N 3AT.
The theme will be Family. Please bring along any work you wish to share on a memory stick or in print or book form.