Good to see so many of you last night and I personally felt that the new venue worked really well. I was a little afraid that we might lose an element of the ‘homely’ feel that my house engendered but I didn’t feel that was the case – could be the number that we had (really excellent turnout by the way) together with the alcohol, always helps! Anyway, I’d love to hear what you thought, so do please drop me a line and let me know, good or bad? We ran over, which I was a little afraid of, so next time I shall cut down on my intro, as to drop members images from 5 to 3 would only happen I think as a last resort. The big screen was a real bonus, even if you did discover just how old I really am! Sadly, no Josie, so I will ensure that she appears each time if only in pixels…
I started off the meeting with some of the photographs etc. that had attracted my attention over the last month. We then moved onto our theme, which was Statues and Monuments and thanks to Paul for the idea, as it turned out to be a really good one. So many stand outs, I can’t possibly mention everyone but if pushed, Andrew’s Kew shot, Max’s Hare, Monireh’s Mosque and Nick’s Korean Memorial. I also enjoyed Sue’s hands, extraordinary. Well done everyone – brilliant.
Finally, our theme for next time will be ‘links’ – take a place, image, item, animal vegetable or mineral (you get the idea) and produce a further 4 images using your first one as the starting point – so for instance, a statue of Nelson Mandela might lead you to the South African Embassy in Trafalgar Square, but where next? I think it could be really fun so, until next month – all the best, Andrew Wilson.