New member Suzanne Sullivan started things off this month. Her preferred format is 6×6 on Delta 100 or Pan F and she achieves the fairly high contrast urban images she favours by photographing on bright sunny days. To my eye, this lent an almost theatrically lit look to some of her subject matter.
A further discussion on different ways to approach split grading then followed. Ted Kinsey also had more information on the proposed group darkroom sessions, and on the content of the seminar to be held during the LIP Annual Exhibition.
After showing us some inkjet prints of film negatives from a trip to India, Don Holtum then entertained us with an extraordinary description of the steps required to produce a photo-etching, the most arcane of which included the sprinkling of magic dust (I think that’s what my notes say, it may have been talc). Nonetheless, several of us were fascinated enough to want to investigate this process. Don then showed us images produced using Delta 3200 for its very distinct grain, printed on Ilford Matte FB paper.
Ted then showed us the result of taking one of his negatives to a commercial master printer, and the group compared Ted’s original print with the new version and discussed two ways of approaching printing.
Jo Stapleton had also brought along a variety of prints produced using alternative methods including layering negative materials, and lith printing.
Chiara Contrino told us of an alternative space available for exhibiting work and Sam Tanner showed us recent photographs made during the Extinction Rebellion protests and Pro-Brexit demos, and talked about the approach needed when working in such volatile environments.
Finally. Ian Turnbull mentioned a selection of photography podcasts he follows.
The next meeting will be replaced by our South Bank photowalk and takes place on Wednesday 7th August at the slightly earlier time of 6pm. Anyone interested in coming along is asked to contact Ted Kinsey at Roberto Arendse