© Judy Harrington

© Carol Kenna

© Alan Larson

© Barry Cole

© Peter Luck
We began with a theme: public art – and immediately stretched the bounds with Judy Harrington’s photos of shapes made in the sky by a murmuration of starlings.
Then the principal presentation: Carol Kenna’s account of the genesis and restoration of a 100-yard long mosaic-covered, mural-illustrated, wavy bench in Charlton. The original had been designed by Carol and her husband with plenty of participation in the making from local residents. The restoration was carried out by Carol with an assistant last summer. Both the original and the restoration had been meticulously documented by Carol. Some discussion ensued considering the documentary as public and personal record as well as proof of capability when seeking funders for such projects.
Alan Larson followed with a few photos of the Heygate Estate just before demolition when the boundary between political graffiti and art was made very hazy – though the graphics were not.
Barry Cole closed the first half with a set showing the variation of mood in differing lighting and use of the water feature outside the Festival Hall.
Peter Luck started the second half with a set moving from a return to St Paul’s church in Deptford to a metal sculpture – figures holding each other to form a global mesh – found in Greenwich, and finishing with a short walk in Rochester.
The session closed with a discussion of how to present the group in the next edition of fLIP. Peter Luck