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Bill Christie

Juliette Wiles

Sue Lorimer

Zaneta Tabian

Lovely to see everyone and what fabulous weather we are having, just great for getting out and taking the odd pictuire.
As with last summer, we have been invited by Barnes Artists to be involved again with their collaboration with The Friends of Barnes Common, the theme this year is ‘water’. 
Moving onto our theme of the night, this is an excellent feature on how one photographer approaches the art of night time photography in London – 
Before sharing the groups ‘at night’ images, I shared some that I have taken over the years and drawing on the previous feature about the London photographer, how I might be adapting my work in future.
Looking at the groups pictures, it was interesting to note how good our phones are these days but you can’t really beat a proper camera for that final bit of finesse (and light effects). Thanks to everyone for getting involved, another memorable set of pictures. The stand outs for me were Juliette’s, Bill’s, Sue L and Zaneta.
Our meeting next month will revert to the third Tuesday, so the 19 April and will also be our first meeting in person for over 2 years.
Our theme will be ‘Stone’.
David kindly shared his wonder of the Salgado exhibition at The Science Museum, which has sadly just finished.
Well done everyone and see you all next month – cheers AW

Cover image © Andrew Wilson At night, Richmond Bridge