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Juliette ‘Summer’

Monireh Jassat Sights Of Summer (Jubilee Celebrations)

Andrew Wilson Strand on the Green

Good to see everyone after the summer break and hasn’t the weather changed (Brrrrr). Thinking of all those poor people in Ukraine, who have no heating (homes even), I am resisting putting my heating on but just shows how soft we have all become.

I started the meeting with a few moments to reflect on the life of our long-standing member Leonard Caudrey, who sadly passed away over the summer. He was a lovely chap, very knowledgeable, more technically adept than some people half his age (myself included) and he could take a magnificent photograph. I have included one of his photographs.

I raised the matter of the possibility of a November exhibition. Recently, Covid has disrupted what we used to do, so if you remember, in 2020 we had a display in vacant shop windows in Putney. This was followed by joining forces with the Art Fair in St Michael’s in Barnes last November, which was far cheaper and much less faff than setting up outside Waitrose in Putney. For this reason, I felt it would be good to see if we could join in again this year but I have discovered since our meeting that this event is sadly oversubscribed. I am little disappointed not to have been given the opportunity to enter again, on a first refusal basis, given that we were supporters last year. Sadly, we weren’t given that opportunity and I have made this point to the organisers, who rather pointedly haven’t replied. Given everything I have currently on my plate, I am not sure I now have the time to organise something in Putney for November, which I know may disappoint some of you but I hope you understand. 

On a more positive note, Alasdair and I reported back on our meeting with the rector of Trinity Church in Roehampton, who has given us the opportunity to be a part of his anniversary celebrations next year, to include a photographic exhibition – more on this as we get it.

Instead of a July meeting, we arranged an outing to Strand on the Green, which was great fun and I have attached some pictures.

We then explored our theme of the month, which was entitled ‘Sights of Summer’, which everyone seems to have enjoyed.  Personally, I enjoyed Juliette’s and Monireh’s was fun.

Our theme for next time will be ‘Signage’ and reviewed at our next meeting, which will be at the Coach & Horses on 18  October at the usual time. 

We finished up this time with a fabulous review of David Mooney’s recent trip to Iceland; I know from some friend’s what a remarkable place it can be for photographers, but David’s visit just empathised this – thanks for the effort David.

If anyone else would like to present something of their own, please let me know – all the best AW

Cover image: Leonard Caudrey Rainy Day Picture