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©Fred Kavalier

It’s been a long wait – but three and a half years of Zoom meetings finally came to an end when  Central London group got together in October at the Old Diorama Arts Centre in Camden, our new regular venue for meetings. Some 20 members enjoyed a convivial evening reconnecting with old friends and meeting new ones.

The theme for the evening was trees and there was a wide variety of interpretations and styles. Nusse Belton showed a range of mainly monochrome images of trees showing a good eye and mastery of technique. Many of the pictures had been taken from a car window and showed movement and abstract shapes, including a surreal image of a barren tree was covered with crows.

©Mechthild Belton

Jan Cylwik’s images, all taken on Hampstead Heath, concentrated on the way light, especially of the dappled variety, described the architecture of the trees. His images conveyed a great sense of peace, in particular a view up through the canopy towards the sunlight.

©Jan Cylwik

Fred Kavalier showed images from a wide range of places both in the UK and abroad, including the featured image at the top of this post. Others included a panorama of a row of trees, an atmospheric misty picture taken in Berlin and trees against a traditional white clapboard house in the US.

©Fred Kavalier

Sue Czapsca’s presentation began with a view into a field with trees taken from a local nature reserve. Her other pictures included a close up of a cherry tree leaf which revealed all its colours and intentional camera movement in Highgate Wood which showed energy, light, and growth.

©Sue Czapsca

Frankie McAllister’s pictures concentrated on the bare, melancholy look of trees in winter. Her use of black and white emphasised the sculptural appearance of the trees, especially when photographed against snow.

©Frankie McAllister

Edey Templeton showed a range of abstract pictures using double exposure and intentional camera movement to reveal a tree’s hidden beauty.

©Edith Templeton

Andy Schneider’s images were also from across the world – New Zealand, Chicago, and Skye. This set up a dynamic contrast between an almost Jurassic feel in the trees in New Zealand and the urban vibe and of Chicago where the trees stood out against brightly coloured adverts.

©Andy Schneider

Alec Wyllie showed a variety of species of tree, including a false acacia and a tree fern. His images concentrated on detail and like others how light enhanced the beauty of the tree.

©Alec Wylie

Four photographers showed personal projects, including Dorota Boisot, who showed a photographic collage she had a made as a memorial to a woman who had died prematurely. This was a poignant collection of images taken in happier times at her sister’s wedding,  displayed on wrapping paper decorated with butterflies and flowers.

©Dorota Boisot

Heather Martin ‘s images of Petticoat Lane Market were inspired by an exhibition of Vivien Maier’s photography. She had taken the pictures on a Twin Lens Reflex camera, which allowed her to have closer access to shoppers in the market.

©Heather Martin

Chris Burrows showed pictures of rainy landscapes taken from inside vehicles, including a dramatic picture of Oxford St at night, taken from the top of a bus, showing all the light trails from traffic and lights from surrounding buildings.

©Chris Burrows

Angelika Berndt’s pictures were from her recent visit to the International Festival of Body Painting. The images brought out the intimate relationship between artist and model – the artist painted directly on skin – as well as the imaginative and colourful designs used.

©Angelika Bernd

The next meeting will be on 13th of November when we shall take a more in-depth look at personal projects.