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Aaron’s photographs from the West Country, Ian’s from a canal-side motor tour and mine of and assortment of couples photographed on London streets were shared and briefly discussed

Carol shared her work over the past several years on murals, both her own working with Greenwich Mural Workshop and the work of others in various countries.   She writes:

Between 2017 and 2018 Carol Kenna and Stephen Lobb of Greenwich Mural workshop lead a team of oral historians, researchers and artists in recording the history of approximately 40 artists who had painted murals around the UK between the mid 1960s to the mid 1980s. Their work was notable for engaging local communities in the design, message and painting the murals – social politics. Most of these artists had a formal arts training but they moved their interest away from the galleries, the accompanying commercialisation and elitist history to join the ranks of local community groups, claimants unions, architects and planners who likewise believed in the power of producing ‘Walls With Tongues”.
The project produced an exhibition, website and book about the artists and their interviews are archived with the British Library.

The social/political/history aspects of murals both in this country and overseas were generally discussed