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Tim Poole


James Kirkland

© Sophie Carr Photography

After a short preamble from me about next year’s exhibition we moved straight into our theme of the month, Electricity, so as to allow enough time for our guest speaker. And over to Julian for the results…

Here are my top 3

1. Tim Poole Electric and Snow
As Tim said how do other countries cope when there is loads of snow – they get on with it. Sadly, unlike the UK a few snowflakes on the track the rail service goes belly up.

2.Alistair Wilson Clarke – Regent Street Christmas Lights
The angle of the photo is great as you can feel the curve of the buildings and the lights of the traffic. Love the Angels lit up watching over. Plus, this location brings back memories of when I used to work there (about 25 years ago – OMG where does the time go).

3. James Kirkland – Electric DNA after Gin
Who does not like James special effects in his photos – they are genius. So much setting up and thought goes into them . Not forgetting the editing too as the colours. right up there.

Thanks Julian.

After October’s false start due to ill health, Sophie Carr finally made it along and boy, what a show she put on. I particularly enjoyed her Drone shots and something I must consider getting into when I have some spare cash and the time to really make the most of it. Plus, her extraordinarily stories about living in a small hut for days on end, in the middle of nowhere, beside a beach in order to get the best shots – wow, that’s dedication for you, and it shows in her pictures. For all those that sadly missed her talk, you can find her on Instagram @SophieCarrPhotography and her feed is well worth a peak.

Thanks again Sophie and good luck on your move and a huge thanks to Rodney for helping out with the tech!

We sadly ran over a bit and in my haste to let everyone go, I completely forgot to choose a theme for January – Bill suggested ‘Contre-jour’ – a favourite of mine, as it happens and something we haven’t done in a while, so let’s go for it. AW