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LIP 2023 Annual General Meeting

    You are invited to join our Annual General Meeting on Saturday 21 January 2023 via Zoom

    There will be a short business meeting, commencing at 11.00, for which the agenda is shown below. This will be followed by a talk from one of the selectors for our forthcoming exhibition at Espacio Gallery. The Zoom participation link has been sent to all members by email.

    Meeting Agenda

    1. Welcome/intro
    2. Approval of the minutes of the 2022 AGM
    3. Overview of Committee and Organisation status, and Committee Members’ reports
    4. Amendments to Constitution
    5. Committee Nominations and Co-options

    Committee members standing for re-election are:

    Sabes Sugunasabesan (Chair)
    Gareth Davies
    Austin Guest
    Steve Jones
    Robin Segulem
    Jo Stapleton
    No nominations for new members of the committee have been received.
    6. Proposal of Life Membership – Elizabeth Brown
    7. Any Other Business

    12.00: Talk – Professor Richard Sawdon Smith, one of the LIP exhibition selectors.

    LIP Members: Please open this page in the Members Area (Log-in/password required) to access the committee reports.