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23 November 2024 is the start of National Tree Week, the UK’s biggest annual tree celebration.
LIP will be exhibiting member’s posters on the theme Trees at LIP Fair-2024 – PhotoBooks, etc.
Please submit up to 4 digital images for selection by 21 October. Files must be jpegs, portrait format, 1500 pixels on longest side and named with your name and a number if more than one file (e.g. Fred_Smith1). Selection will be made by our curator Jacqueline Ennis-Cole whose decision is final. Selected images will be advised to entrants by 31 October 2024. Entrants will be expected to bring their A2 Portrait posters to the RichMix venue by 11am at the latest on 23 November and collect at 6pm that day. There are no facilities to store uncollected posters which will therefore be shredded.
There is no charge to members nor do entrants have to be participating in the LIP Fair 2024 – PhotoBooksEtc event.
Poster submissions now closed – we look forward to seeing you at the fair – free entry